
I'll try anything once

quit - LANY

Can't you chill stop freaking out for a second


‘Cause it's hard to think when you're losing your mind

因为像你这样失神 是很难好好思考问题的

And i know that you've got like 10, 000 questions


And to be real i actually don't have time

但讲真 我没多少时间为你一一解答

‘Cause we could fight all day about the future


But i don't even know where i'll be next week


Or we could hang all day forget the future

其实我们可以四处流浪 无所谓个未来

I'm here right now just be here right now with me

我正在你的身旁 就请你也在我身旁不要离开


Quit running away you're running outta room

别逃了 你无处可逃

You and i know that's not what you wanna do

你我都心知肚明 你无须这样勉强自己

Quit running away quit running away

别再躲躲藏藏了 就和我在一块吧

Quit running away you're running outta room

别逃了 你无处可逃

You and i know that's not what you wanna do

你我都心知肚明 你无须这样勉强自己

Quit running away quit running away

别再躲躲藏藏了 就和我在一块吧


You've been hurt but come on nobody's perfect

你曾受过感情上的伤 可是拜托 人无完人的道理谁都知道

And i'm tired of hearing how they did ya wrong


‘Cause i'm not them you're not with them can we drop it

我不同他们一起 你也不和他们一伙 我们就不能早些释怀吗

How good would it be if you'd just move on

如果你能放手前进 那该有多好

‘Cause we could fight all day about the future


But i don't even know where i'll be next week


Or we could hang all night forget the future

其实我们可以四处流浪 无所谓个未来

I'm here right now just be here right now with me

我正在你的身旁 就请你也在我身旁不要离开


Quit running away you're running outta room

别逃了 你无处可逃

you and i know that's not what you wanna do

你我都心知肚明 你无须这样勉强自己

Quit running away quit running away

别再躲躲藏藏了 就和我在一块吧

Quit running away you're running outta room

别逃了 你无处可逃

You and i know that's not what you wanna do

你我都心知肚明 你无须这样勉强自己

quit running away quit running away

别再躲躲藏藏了 就和我在一块吧


'Cause we could fight all day about the future


But i don't even know where i'll be next week


Or we could hang all day forget the future

其实我们可以四处流浪 无所谓个未来

I'm here right now just be here right now with me

我正在你的身旁 就请你也在我身旁不要离开

Quit running away you're running outta room

别逃了 你无处可逃

You and i know that's not what you wanna do

你我都心知肚明 你无须这样勉强自己

Quit running away quit running away

别再躲躲藏藏了 就和我在一块吧

Quit running away you're running outta room

别逃了 你无处可逃

You and i know that's not what you wanna do

你我都心知肚明 你无须这样勉强自己

Quit running away quit running away

别再躲躲藏藏了 就和我在一块吧


I won't let ya quit


I won't let ya quit


I won't let ya quit on me


I won't let ya quit


I won't let ya quit


I won't let ya quit on me

